[guppi-list] No default font -- causing abort()


   I just compiled/installed Guppi 0.34.5 on my stock RedHat 6.2
system.  And what an unbelievable pain *that* was.  Three hours'
work trying to deal with the whole "RPM major number <= 3" mess
and putting together just the right set of RPMs so that I could
get Guile up to version 1.3.4 like Guppi wanted.  Man, I gotta
switch to Debian.

   Now the problem is that I can't even *run* the app.  Every time
I try to do anything, it complains about being unable to find the
default font (Helvetica) and aborts.  There are no preference or
options menu items to allow me to change the default font; how
do I fix this?  I've searched the guppi-list archives and found
nothing about this.  Documentation is pretty much nonexistent,
it seems.  I realize this code is alpha, but there are plenty of
screenshots at the main site.  It must be *possible* to get this
code to actually plot something, but I don't see how.  Anyone
have any suggestions?

Jim Wiggs
wiggs wiggs net

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