Re: [guppi-list] Hacking continues unabated

Jon Trowbridge wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 11:08:03PM +0100, Neil J Pilgrim wrote:

> > > * Drag & drop has been added.  You can now drag data objects out of
> > >   the data window and drop them onto scatterplot axes (or onto
> > >   data selector widgets, which have also been rewritten to be nicer).
> >
> > Data-selector widgets? If you mean the box-plots, then for me it appears
> > to do the same thing as dropping on the axes.
> By "data selector widgets" I mean the little thingies on the scatter
> plot config dialog for specifying x-data, y-data, color-data, etc.
> Those can act as drop targets.

Ah...just found small bug: can drop data *set* onto config dialog
thingies - causing a crash with:

libguppidata-ERROR **: file guppi-seq.c: line 255 (guppi_seq_size):
assertion failed: (max+1 >= min)

> > Also while DnD'ing the
> > data onto axes is quite nice, in doing so you disallow multiple
> > data-sets on the same graph.
> The way this is set up, axis DnD is optional; it only works if the
> axis is explicitly linked to one particular data-layer.

Not sure I understand what you mean...

I suppose you could get what I was thinking of by having multiple
overlaid scatter plots on the same graph, each having separate data
input dialogs in the config box. Based on some previous conversation we
had, I think that perhaps you'd need one input dialog per *style* -
currently you can't use the alternative styles anyhow ? I thought the
original idea was to be able to select/filter/copy data elements into
another style - would this be a separate scatter plot or separate
data-sets/styles on the same scatter plot...?

> Well, some of the default tools (zoom, move, home, etc.) don't really
> do anything for certain plot elements.  When the toolbar gets built,
> it shouldn't put those up there if they don't do anything useful with
> anything on the screen.  This is on the to-do list...

Nice :)

> I just added a keyboard binding listing to the help pop-up.  (Not
> checked in yet.)  There also should be a dialog to allow the
> x-/y-ranges to be set to precise values... also on the to-do list.

Good ;)

> > The title length can wrap over the end of the screen. Also, while
> > automatically-moved axis titles are ok, it would be nice to be able to
> > explicitly move them where you want - so you'd have
> > 'left/centre/right/free' settings for positioning, for example ?
> Yes.  And multi-line text would be nice.  And rotated text.
> This will be implemented someday, in my copious free time...

Ahem yes ;) I'm just brainstorming and comparing to other plotting
tool(s) I use...

> > I didn't install, but am running from src/guppi - could this be the
> > reason ?
> No, that glade file got left out of the distribution.  I'll fix that.

OK ta :)

BTW, the scatter plot axes are slightly removed from the plot? That is,
they don't join at the edges?

> Thanks,

S'ok :D
'tis getting there ;)


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