Goose 0.0.3 released

I've just released version 0.0.3 of Goose.  It is available from the
usual places, either at
or from

Features of 0.0.3:

* This version is back to the LGPL.  I stripped out the problematic
  code from R and replaced it with some really, really inefficient
  routines that I hacked up very quickly.  Nicer algorithms will
  hopefully turn up in 0.0.4.  (I have a nice stack of journal
  articles that I xeroxed at the library this afternoon... just
  haven't had a chance to implement their algorithms yet.)

* Added a Permutation object.  You can apply Permutation objects to
  DataSets in order to permute the contents in the prescribed manner.
  You can query a DataSet to get a Permutation that, if applied to the
  DataSet, will put it into sorted order.  This mechanism can be used
  to sort a bunch of DataSets using another DataSet as a key, thus
  allowing you to simulate vector-DataSets.

* Added the ability to add or remove elements from the "middle" of the
  DataSet.  Internally, this is a little gross... but it works.


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