Am 03.07.2016 4:16 vorm. schrieb "John Obaterspok" <john obaterspok gmail com>:
> Hi,
> I create GUPnPContext using a fixed port 40000 with:
> GUPnPContext *context = gupnp_context_new (NULL, NULL, 40000, NULL);
> I've made sure 40000 udp+tcp is open in firewalld.
> When my client starts it finds all the devices I'm interested in. Event delivery to my client works just fine if I change state on one of the subscribed devices. All is fine until the ssdp subscription timeout happens after 30 minutes where all my subscribed devices are lost.
> I've also tried to open udp ports 1900, 1901, 5353 but I still get the same timeout with lost devices.
> Any ideas why and what I can do (except disabling fw to make it work)
> -- john
What version of GSSDP and GUPNP are you using? I was having a similar discovery problem, but just upgraded to the latest release tarballs to try some of the discovery fixes, and that resolved everything for me.