Re: [gupnp] difficulties building gupnp and friends


thanks for the response.
I did a bit of searching around and have now addressed that problem and hopefully there aren't any more.
It appears that some/all? introspection package installs fail to  
include (/usr/share/aclocal/) introspection.m4
It may/may not be a debian related issue. Superficial research  
suggests it was an omission at the source end.
I base this on the wailings of others on the internet.


On 29/01/2010, at 6:17 PM, Ross Burton wrote:

On Fri, 2010-01-29 at 17:58 +1100, Kim Lester wrote:
yet it seems as id autoconf is still blissfully ignorant of
INTROSPECTION. So I'm still stuck (not being an autoconf guru).

Incidentally the runtime dependencies for gupnp may be small (I'l
ltake your words on it) but the compile time deps are not trivial nor
obvious - even with debs.
When building development releases of software you'll often find that
the packages your distribution provides are not sufficient.  I expect
that your gobject-introspection package is too old and that you'll need
to build that from a newer tarball or git too.

FWIW, I've got 0.6.7 from Debian.  I suspect Ubuntu has an older

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