Re: [guadec-local] [guadec-list] video recording / streaming

On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 03:40:11PM +0200, Koen Martens wrote:
> We're discussing with fluendo / flumotion possibilities for streaming
> the lectures and recording them for postiority.

I'm interested in this. Whom should I contact @ fluendo / flumotion?

> They proposed to stream the lectures in WebM/VP8, which would be quite
> unique as that hasn't happened before at an event.

Indeed. Though we need to ensure people can actually watch it.

> We still need to provide camera's, and make sure everything hooks up to
> their streaming center and all. The venue will provide audio feeds at
> line-level.

I'll probably need a contact at the venue to check what is possible.

> I'm looking for a volunteer for coordinating this, so if you know anyone
> let me know!


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