[guadec-list] Meeting minutes 2019-06-25


== Meeting minutes 2019-06-25 11:00 UTC ==

=== Attendees ===

 * Kristi 
 * Stathis
 * Sebastian
 * Vivia
 * Tom 

=== Agenda ===

 * Last week's action items
 * Registration 
 * Visa Invitation letter
 * Website content
 * Day trips proposals
 * Food Catering
 * Sponsors
 * Picknick
 * Teckids
 * Design
 * Badges

* Next meeting

=== Last week's action items ===

 * '''ACTION''': Kat and Caroline to work together on the badge design - in progress
 * '''ACTION''': Stathis, Vivia: University contract - no update (next week) 
 * '''ACTION''': Kat and Britt put together a plan for a photo policy and implementation of it - in progress 
 * '''ACTION''': Kat follow up on privacy concerns over public speaker list on openevent - in progress
 * '''ACTION''': Sebastian to publish old minutes on https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2019 and send emails - 
slowly happening 
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to talk to Neil about the potential keynote and update the team, also will reply to 
the person - waiting from the papers team (closing keynote) 
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to follow up regarding sponsored dinners - in progress and Sebastian on sponsored 
dinner options- university proposed to look up options for evening events, sent out email yesterday for 
update but no reply yet.
 * '''ACTION''': Sebastian to follow up with the university for the potential place of the D&I dinner (15-20 
 * '''ACTION''': Kat to move guadec-volunteers list to Discourse - 
https://discourse.gnome.org/t/adding-new-categories/1159 - in progress.
 * '''ACTION''': Vivia to ask Federico for more information on the content of the incident response training 
from Sage, whether it's based on US law or EU law and when it take place - in progress
 * '''ACTION''': Kat to give Britt access to speakers by end of the week- done 
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to file a task for promoting the uni and ask Britt/Claudio/whoever to publish some 
content- done 
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to coordinate with Molly sponsorship promotion and logos- sent the email to molly and 
claudio and they will coordinate
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to CC Kat in discussions with Jona - in progress 
 * '''ACTION''': Britt to talk to Molly about including sponsors in the app
 * '''ACTION''': Design: Kat to get the conversation going and introduce Caroline to the printers
 * '''ACTION''': Catering: Vivia to confirm when we need to pay - todo
 * '''ACTION''': Catering: Vivia to confirm the food labelling & that there will be a vegan and gluten-free 
options for coffee breaks and lunches & then follow up on website update

=== Minutes ===

 * Registration 
   * https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/registrationGUADEC
   * '''ACTION''': Kristi to ask Kat how the accomodation will happen and the payment proccedures. 
   * '''ACTION''': Kristi to ping Kat and Britt for the photo policy to inculde that in the registration.

 * Visa Invitation letter
   * Claudio is looking and will taking care of he visa .
   * '''ACTION''': Stathis to assist Claudio with more information on visa regime to enter Greece.

 * Website content
   * '''ACTION''': Claudio to take care of it and update with the support of others.
   * Now working on Visa letter.

 * Day trips proposals: 
   * '''ACTION''': Kristi will ask for cheaper options(maybe like the first option without the wine tasting) 
   * '''ACTION''': We can ask them for football options (small field) evening activity on the core days. 

 * Food Catering
   * '''ACTION''': Vivia will follow up with the food catering this week on when we will need to pay and food 
labeling and check gluten-free options for coffee breaks and lunches 

 * Sponsors:
   * '''ACTION''': Kristi to update Molly for the logos on the badges.
   * Reminder to contact Collabora too

 * Picnic:
   * '''ACTION''': in one of the core days we can organize picnics after the core days like the football 
   * Where and What exactly we will organize.

 * Teckids:
   * '''ACTION''': Sebastian to reply them with an apology for the late response. 

 * Design
   * https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Events/GUADEC/GUADEC2019/issues/37
   * '''ACTION''': all to have a look at the tshirts and share the thoughts for their favourites  

 * Badges
   * https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Events/GUADEC/GUADEC2019/issues/56
   * General preference for second option
   * '''ACTION''': Caroline to propose sizes for second badge
   * '''ACTION''': Kat to look into suppliers forprinting
   * '''ACTION''': Kristi to ask Molly to update and ack with current sponsors that the logos will be on the 
programme rather than the badge (Platinum will stay on badge as well)

 * Next meeting:
   * https://framadate.org/krfNSH5dnGy9uBfE
   * Poll already out for the meeting in the first week of July. 

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