[guadec-list] Meeting minutes 2019-06-13


== Meeting minutes 2019-06-13 8:00 UTC ==

=== Attendees ==+
 * Kat
 * Kristi
 * Vivia
 * Sebastian
 * Stathis
 * Ben

=== Agenda ===

 * Accommodation
 * Website
 * Design
   * ACTION: Stathis to look into cost of printing for:
 * Talk schedule
 * Workshops
 * Registration
 * Visa invitation letters - https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Events/GUADEC/GUADEC2019/issues/15
 * Food Catering
 * Dates to remember from university - add these to gitlab as well
 * Sponsors
 * Volunteers for during the conference
 * Code of Conduct Incident Response training possibility from Sage Sharp (via Federico)
 * Next meeting

=== Last week's action items ===
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi working on ideas for things to do in Thessaloniki (based on bid document) - in 
 * '''ACTION''': Tom/Kat need to ensure that additional fields are in openevent - openevent updated, Kat to 
look into whether it's good enough now and make an  executive decision on the next steps
 * '''ACTION''': Kat and Caroline to work together on the badge design - Pending on a rough event outline
 * '''ACTION''': Stathis to check about accommodation for Keynote speaker (where he'd like to stay, at a 
hotel or with everyone else) - Stathis will create issue with info so we can get hold of the speaker if we 
need to
 * '''ACTION''': Stathis, Vivia: University contract - uni said it's in progress
 * '''ACTION''': Kat and Britt put together a plan for a photo policy and implementation of it - in progress
 * '''ACTION''': Kat follow up on privacy concerns over public speaker list on openevent - no updates
 * '''ACTION''': Sponsorship: Kristi to talk to Molly. Either Molly will attend calls or send emails to the 
private guadec-organization list - done
 * '''ACTION''': Sebastian to publish old minutes on https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2019 and send emails - in 
 * '''ACTION''': Sebastian to get Kat photos of the auditorium/rooms for the photo policy - done 
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to talk to Neil about the potential keynote and update the team, also will reply to 
the person - Neil says he proposed it but didn't confirm it, Kat to talk to 
 * '''ACTION''': Kat to follow up with Meg about members of the papers team - no update
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to follow up regarding sponsored dinners - in progress
 * '''ACTION''': Kat to reach out about workshop ideas - Flatpack, Design, GitLab integration, Docs - in 
progress; XR, Newcomer and GStreamer/GTK/Rust confirmed
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi will ask the university to email guadec-organization instead of emailing her directly 
- done
 * '''ACTION''': Stathis to ask the University exactly what the sponsor (and who they are) wants printed on 
the lanyards - we need to print the lanyards ourselves, there is a company that wants to sponsor them
 * '''ACTION''': Kristi to send an email to university with our feedback on day trips - done
 * '''ACTION''': Kat to send an email asking for help with updating and putting information on the website - 
done, we had a number of responses and decided to go with Claudio as the main point of contact

=== Minutes ===
 * Accommodation
   * Stathis met the manager and they are preparing the contract.
   * They need to know the Foundation address
   * Contact incoming

 * Website
   * Claudio has volunteered to keep an eye on it
   * Kat has set it up
   * Kristi an also submit updates now

 * Design
   * Postponed to next week
   * '''ACTION''': Stathis to look into cost of printing for:
     * Standard sized roller banners
     * A1/A2/A4 sheets

 * Talk schedule
   * In progress, no updates

 * Workshops
   * Flatpak - attendance was low last few years
   * Newcomer - could be better in hackfest days
   * GStreamer/GTK/Rust - confirmed
   * Design - in progress
   * Gitlab integreation - in progress
   * Docs - in progress
   * Non-violent communication - Kristi is looking into this
   * Imposter sindrome & unconcious bias - Jona Azizaj for 1:30-2h

 * Registration
   * Kristi talked to Andrea, not feasable for it to do what we want it to
   * We need to come up with a way to use a form in the end

 * Visa invitation letters - https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Events/GUADEC/GUADEC2019/issues/15
   * '''ACTION''': Stathis will follow up for more information on visa invitations - 

 * Food Catering
   * University wants to know how to handle it
   * We need to put together: number of meals per day and types of meals
   * '''ACTION''': Vivia to confirm cost of meals to attendees
   * '''ACTION''': Vivia to confirm when we need to pay
   * Our requirements from the university:
     * Can the catering company label the food in English with ingredients and allergies
     * Deadline for us telling the University the number/types of meals
     * Can they provide vegan and gluten free meals (with proper seperation)

 * Dates to remember from university - add these to gitlab as well
   * University is closed for summer from 29th July to 18th August
   * We need to make sure we get all the answers for everything
   * Elections on 7th July so probably won't be able to get contact that day

 * Sponsors
   * '''ACTION''': Sebastian to talk to Molly about exact costs for evening events and concrete options

 * Volunteers for during the conference
   * '''ACTION''': Kat to move guadec-volunteers list to Discourse
   * Need to make sure option is there during registration

 * Code of Conduct Incident Response training possibility from Sage Sharp (via Federico)
   * '''ACTION''': Vivia to ask Federico for more information on the content of the incident response 
training from Sage, whether it's based on US law or EU law and when it take place
   * Vivia will CC the guadec-organizaton list when replying

 * Next meeting
   * Have to have Caroline in the call
   * Poll is already out

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