Re: [guadec-list] Posters and other printed materials from last year

Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3756 gmail com> wrote:
As for last year, we will need the lightning talk poster and the
unconference talk slot poster in A1. The unconference instructions
thing needs to be A4 (and might need updating based on where the
poster will be hung relative to the table with postits and pens).
What size will they be printed at?

The largest paper size we've discussed is A3. Part of the issue is
having space to put them up; it's not looking like there will be much
of it.

Will you update them so that they
scale properly or should I do that?

I've been doing all the designs using a standard template, in an
effort to make them consistent. I was actually planning on designing
these already, so I'm happy to sort them out.

Also(2), the countdown sheets for volunteers to flash at the speakers
are also attached. It's good to have a spare set.

Already designed and on the printing list!

I had a quick look at the print list and I can't see an "out of time"
sign on there.

Yes this was originally missing. It's added now!

Also, it would be good to have a "1 minute" sign for
lightning talks.

Sure thing!


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