Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC 2016: length and schedule

On 2015-11-05 20:03, Allan Day wrote:
Until 2014, GUADEC had 4 core days. Then, this year, we switched to 3
days. This was a bit of a challenge for the schedule: we just managed
to squeeze everything in, but only just.

If we want to go down to two core days, we'll probably have to
radically rethink the schedule. Possibilities might involve cutting
the lightning talks, and/or cutting the length of the talks. It seems
like a good idea to talk about this early on.

Things like AGM, Group photo session, lightning talks and interns lightning talks will be harder to fit in two days, but it might work.
The keynotes would need to be reduced from 3 to 2.
Reducing the time of the talks from 45 minutes to 30 (so 25 min talk+5 min QA) and reducing the breaks from 15 to 10 could do the trick.
That would allow us to remain at ~30 talks i total, if that's desired.

I've added a quick draft here. Please add your own alternatives to the etherpad and lets see if we can wrestle this down.
- Andreas

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