Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC 2016: length and schedule


On 2015-11-05 19:03, Allan Day <aday gnome org> wrote:
Until 2014, GUADEC had 4 core days. Then, this year, we switched to 3
days. This was a bit of a challenge for the schedule: we just managed
to squeeze everything in, but only just.

If we want to go down to two core days, we'll probably have to
radically rethink the schedule. Possibilities might involve cutting
the lightning talks, and/or cutting the length of the talks. It seems
like a good idea to talk about this early on.

I have also been on the papers committee for the last couple of years. Given the general quality and freshness of talk proposals received, I can see little problem with dropping to only 2 core days. Reducing the length of time allocated to each talk would be my preference, if it is desirable to keep the same number of talks on the schedule.


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