Re: [guadec-list] Media Partner

On Monday 08 of July 2013 18:49:16, Jiri Eischmann wrote:

Debarshi Ray píše v Po 08. 07. 2013 v 14:53 +0000:
I am afraid that we really need as much media support as possible.
About the free passes, we should issue as many as they need, probably one
to three.

Basically, we will have to add these sites if we want them to add us as
well, and they are clearly supporting us.

Having media support is one thing, and bending over backwards and
begging for it is another.

We already have 3 Czech media partners. LWN is probably going to cover
it.  That makes it 4.

I am all for giving free passes, but please, lets not plaster the
website with logos of everyone who claims to be a reporter.  It is
strange to have 5 sponsors and an equal or higher number of media

I think having 5-6 media partners is OK. As I said, we can make their
logos smaller if it makes a problem on the main page. But I agree with
Debarshi that we should be selective while choosing media partners.

We've only been talking about conditions we have to fulfil, but I
haven't seen any conditions for media partners. Someone who writes one,
or even two articles about GUADEC is NOT a media partner. The
cooperation should be much deeper.

Guys, it seems to me that one hand doesn't know what the other one is doing in your organization efforts. 
There IS quite a specific list of obligations that the media were asked to agree to.

When Florian asked me to contact the three Czech magazines (,, and ask 
them to be media partners, I requested a detailed list of obligations for both parties. When I was given this 
list, I approached the media, and they agreed.

As I mentioned before, both Rui and Debarshi were a part of that discussion from the very beginning.

Now, a week later, people start raising questions and concerns that should've been answered before any of 
that took place. I fear it is now much too late to start thinking of some sort of a coordinated media 
campaign. And, last but not least, it is too late to backtrack on the terms that you, GUADEC, put forward.


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