Re: [guadec-list] Lightning talks at GUADEC


On 05/21/2012 01:21 PM, Xabier Rodriguez Calvar wrote:
What would be needed to collaborate in organizing the LT at GUADEC?

I thought of a having a committee with Carlos Garnacho, Rodrigo Moya and

I hope it is not too much to do because I do not have too much time, but
I'll try to help.

I don't know who's looking after them this year - but here's some historical perspective.

The first years we did lightning talks, we had people sign up directly on the wiki - the only organisation involved was sending out emails & blogging to let ppl know it was there.

Aside from that, once you hit the limit of the lightning talks, you need to decide whether to do some kind of selection process (if you get a lot of them) or stop taking new proposals.

And then once you have your line-up, the only other thing is the compere/host - it should be someone lively & outgoing, who can add a little bit of fun to the occasion.

Oh - one other thing: someone needs to make an effort to get people to send their slides, if they have any, to one person beforehand - laptop swapping should not be going on in the middle of lightning talks.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org
Jabber: nearyd gmail com

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