Re: [guadec-list] Marketing Lunch

----- Mensaje original -----
> De: Emily Gonyer <emilyyrose gmail com>
> Para: guadec-list gnome org
> CC: GnomeMarketing Mailing List <marketing-list gnome org>
> Enviado: Viernes 27 de julio de 2012 17:04
> Asunto: Marketing Lunch
>T he Marketing Team is getting together for lunch at the cafeteria
> tomorrow (Saturday), if anyone would like to join us to discuss
> upcoming events/initiatives we'd love it if you came!

I'll be there ! :-)


    -- Juanjo Marin

Also I'd like to remind you that we have the a11ycamp the 30th 
and 31st, you're invited if you want to improve accessibility
marketing. Anyway, if you can't attend, you can contact 
me in person in the GUADEC lobby, write me an email, etc.

and add your name if you plan to attend.

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