[guadec-list] Planning news release dates

Hey all

I was talking on #marketing with aday and czeller about how to best advertise GUADEC. They said we might attach guadec.org's blog/announcement function to news.gnome.org if we request, but for now they can put announcements to display directly on gnome.org as event news. They said we could also have a person re-posting any GUADEC newsposts to planet.gnome via a personal blog. (Any volunteers?)

They asked if maybe we could come up with a list of tentative dates of announcements so they could be ready. I've made a list of potential things to release, anyone want to add/subtract, or take a stab putting ball-park dates?

- release of date and venue - December
- call for papers - depends on indico?
- call for lightening talks
- announcement of/call for side events/exhibitions?
- hotel registration opens
- conf registration opens
- announcement of program of talks
- press releases/conf reports - July 26 - Aug 1

Maybe we can talk about this during our next meeting (this Monday?). I have opened an etherpad using the above list so we can all make changes: http://piratepad.net/hsfjfXb1I8


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