Re: [guadec-list] Keynote thoughts


I also thing Mad Dog might be a good keynote, and I think 10 years is long enough to not have been there.

I might try and invite speakers from outside the free software sphere first, though, since they are harder to get. Also, some kind of theme for keynotes would be nice. I have aimed for UX/design (Istanbul), the importance of software freedom outside the desktop (r0ml's talk on software as literature, Walter Bender on Sugar, and RMS in Gran Canaria), "service design" and "JFDI" (Berlin), and again with the importance of free software to the world (Danny O'Brien, Luis Villa).

Sometimes I've missed the theme, but I've always been thinking about exposing the GNOME community to something outside their comfort zone. Also, I like to invite keynotes from not too far away, if possible - European, or even Spanish, speakers would be cool. There was a TEDx in Galicia a few months ago - anyone know if any of those speakers are both good & relevant?


On 02/09/2012 01:54 PM, William from Texas wrote:
If he came in 2002, maybe he could talk about what 10 years of differnce

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Joaquim Rocha <jrocha igalia com
<mailto:jrocha igalia com>> wrote:

    Hey Germán,

    On 02/09/2012 01:14 AM, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:

        FWIW, Maddog gave a keynote during the 3rd GUADEC (Seville 2002).

    Alright. I wasn't aware of that.

        As a side note, I can not recall if that what the time when he
        tried to
        convince people to adopt a new logo or a mascot.  His rationale
        was the
        foot is not good for marketing: nobody can hug a foot, you can
        not name
        it, a foot is not neutral everywhere (he said a foot can be
        insulting in Thailand), etc.

    Well, I see how that can upset some people in GNOME but I don't see
    it as an argument not to invite a great speaker like he is. Also, he
    was a KDE user and now AFAIK he uses GNOME.


    Joaquim Rocha
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