[guadec-list] [Reminder] GUADEC committee meeting on 26 September 2011 UTC 14:00

Hi all,

The next GUADEC committee meeting wil be on Monday, 26 September, at 14:00 UTC. The IRC channel for the meeting is: #guadec @irc.gnome.org 

This is our first meeting after the Desktop Summit. I've put together an agenda, which is at the bottom of the email. It's pretty detailed, and is structured so that if we don't get to the last items during this meeting, that's okay.

Best regards,
Bob Murphy


1. GUADEC 2012
  a. How are things going for the local A Coruña team?
  b. How can this committee help the local team now?
  c. Email list and IRC organization
	i. Is the approach discussed at the link at the bottom the best way to organize things for 2012?
	ii. Is the guadec-planning list alive? Who has control of that now, and how can we add people?
  d. Website (http://guadec.org/)
	i. Who has control of this now? Should that transfer to someone else?
 	ii. How can we put something interesting and exciting there early?
  e. Suggestions for potential sponsors; volunteer to create/update sponsorship brochure
  f. Begin thinking about call for papers, press, publicity, promoting attendance
2. Next Meeting
  a. Time: Some members would prefer to meet at 16:00 UTC.
  b. Date: Two weeks from this meeting will be 10 October, which is during the Montreal GNOME Summit. If that will be a problem for people, we can meet the next week.

3. Desktop Summit
  a. Informal feedback: we expect a report from the DS organizers, but if there was anything people attending the meeting thought went especially well or could have been improved, that would be interesting to know.
  b. We need a volunteer to update the GUADEC planning pages with "lessons learned" from this informal feedback and the report.

4. Open Discussion
  Anything else we might want to talk about.

Email/IRC Channels: http://live.gnome.org/GuadecPlanningHowTo?highlight=%28CategoryGuadec%29#Channels_of_Communication

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