Meeting MinutesAttending
Local team updateThe university's Faculty Dean has confirmed the facility booking. txenoo described the facilities. Publicity and InfrastructureSince the dates have been set, consensus was to do a press release, and publish them on as soon as the local team can arrange that. txenoo has emailed the sysadmins, and filed a bug in GNOME bugzilla, to get control of the website. SponsorsMuch discussion on the sponsor brochure; plans are to review a new draft of the text content at the next meeting. Further discussion on sponsorship levels, and on layout/design assistance. Distro summit and other special tracks/topicsyippi described the summits at GNOME Asia and the DS. He summarized them as being very useful, but would benefit from more organization and publicity to get more distros engaged, make sure the right people from each distro attend, and make sure important issues are addressed. Some businesses in the embedded/mobile sectors may also want to send people, since they effectively create their own GNOME-based distros. txenoo suggested organizing a half-day track on the 26th or 30th. williamfromtexas suggested UI/visual design as a special topic. txenoo suggested we get feedback from the advisory board; karenesq agreed to take it up with them. Program committeeThere were discussions of how this worked in previous years and how the members had been selected. The possibility of a "blind" approach (selecting proposals without knowing who proposed them) was raised, but several objections were raised, and the consensus was not to do this. txenoo proposed a sequence of steps to organize the program committee, and said jjsanchez from the local committee had volunteered to do them with txenoo's assistance. Local team