Re: [guadec-list] in other browsers

On 5/11/07, Andy Wingo <wingo pobox com> wrote:
What are the suggestions? :-)

Oops, you're totally right.

- Make the website look on Explorer 6. Blocks should be in place.
Tables and elements shouldn't break. No shadows due to transparent

- Also fonts could be managed in a way that Explorer/Windows shows
more or less the same sizes, the current ones are too big in the
navigation tabs that even in a 1024x768 tabs get overlapped.

- Get rid of horizontal scroll of banner just by making smaller the
banner. :) Or less wide, for instance putting the people on top and
the MEET PLAN PARTY! underneath.

- Instead of a 4 column sheet move to a less demanding 3 column view,
having just one column for the body. Put News & Announcements first,
then What is GUADEC, then Get Involved.

On the other hand:

- Consider if we need "What is GUADEC?" at all considering that the
common footer of all pages explains "About GUADEC". Perhaps we want
use that real estate to put direct/dynnamic links to featured sessions
from WarmUp, Core, etc.

PS: sorry for not answering before, I have spent most of the week
precisely fighting against bugs.  ;)

Quim Gil ///

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