[guadec-list] Good stuff from aKademy

Hey all,

So I'm at aKademy in Glasgow now, and thought I write about what I find
good here.  Small stuff that stand out:

  - Group photo.  It's got a nice JavaScript on it that you can search
for people: http://static.kdenews.org/danimo/akademy07/group-photo.html 

  - Badges: They have first name in big letters, then full name in
smaller type below it and IRC nick in even smaller type below.  Not sure
if that's optimal, but makes a lot of sense.  Also, there's no front and
back, they are in fact two identical badges back to back, and pressed
together as a single water-proof piece.

  - Walkie-talkies for organizers is nice.

  - They give everyone a cheapo mug for coffee.  And there's an
automated coffee machine that produces good enough coffee inexpensively

That's mostly it for now.  I've not been hanging around that much yet
(and it's after hours anyway).

See you all soon,


"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
        -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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