Re: [guadec-list] Updating frontpage

On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 15:36 +0100, Thomas Wood wrote:
> We've got LinuxWorld here in the UK this week, and I was hoping to
> update the front page of the website with some more information about
> next years Guadec. Could anyone let me know how I might go about this?

I was about to make you admin of but for some reason I can't
log in  :?  John, any idea?

Once logged in you can edit the homepage and create new pages.

> Also, I was wondering if there is a guadec-announce list, or at least
> some sort of list that we could keep of people wanting to receive
> information about Guadec (e.g. call for papers, registration, etc). We
> could then post this on the front page of

The site has a functionality to send emails to all the
registered users. This is what we used as 'announce' combined with this
list and the Planet.

Quim Gil /// |

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