[guadec-list] Seeking video volunteers!

Hey all,

So a number of you are looking for a way to help out Guadec, but haven't
decided exactly how to do that. Well between me and Danigo we have you
covered :)

Given that we're all going to be attending the sessions anyway, why not
lend a hand and operate a camera? We have three rooms for sessions, and
the tent has the plenary sessions. All you have to do is be there and
make sure the camera is pointed and zoomed in the right direction.

Concretely, I can use about 9 people at the minimum -- one for each room
on each core day. The responsibility would be just one day for one room.

Especially if Guadec is paying for you to come, you should lend a
hand :)

Signing up is easy -- just send me a mail and you're in. So... do it!

Andy Wingo

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