Re: [guadec-list] List of approved sessions

Lunch at 12.00????

That's crazy for local schedule.

It should be arround 14.00.

2006/5/7, David Neary <dneary free fr>:


Here's a first draft of a schedule - it'll need to be properly HTMLised
(this was generated by gnumeric, I've included both the .gnumeric and
the .html) and put up on the site (if it's acceptable, of course). I
also have an excel export, if it's needed.

Comments are welcome.

I did have to be liberal about what fits in the "client" day - to my
mind, it is most useful to think of our clients as third-party
developers and people deploying GNOME. So the sessions are aimed at
those 2 groups.

Plus, I also payed attention to the content, rather than just the
catwalk/tangle/topaz labels - for example, it makes more sense to me to
have "Instant messaging in GNOME" and "feeds, syncing and mobility" one
after the other, rather than at the same time, just because one is
tangle and the other is topaz.

I've also attached a photo of the post-it schedule I did - the technique
was very useful, and it made the whole process go pretty quickly :)


Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

GUADEC schedule

Legend: Catwalk


09:00 Conference opening
10:00 Glom Dreaming the user-centric desktop GNOME bluetooth
11:00 Keynote: Kathy Sierra
12:00 Lunch
14:00 F-Spot Gimmie All your fonts are belong to us
15:00 Jokosher Beagle Network manager
16:00 Ekiga GNOME Journal Usability labs for peanuts
17:00 Keynote: Catalan speaker

09:00 Memory efficient GNOME architecture Instant messaging in GNOME Porting EDS to DBUS
10:00 GTK+ printing API Feeds, syncing, mobility Tiles for the desktop
11:00 Keynote: Federico Mena Quintero: How much faster?
12:00 Lunch
13:00 GNOME Foundation AGM
14:00 Lightning talks
15:00 Designing a usable library Telepathy: IM and VoIP Late-breaking news
16:00 Dtrace Gstreamer: threads, time & transport Future of GNOME VFS
17:00 Keynote: Guadalinex and Linex

09:00 Finding Oil whith GNOME Unix power on the desktop MonoDevelop
10:00 Overview of GTK+ 2.10 Late-breaking news
11:00 Keynote: Jim Gettys: the $100 laptop
12:00 Lunch
14:00 APOC: desktop configuration for large-scale deployments System integration in GNOME Embeddifying desktop apps: the Abiword experience
15:00 Blind access using the Orca screen reader OSDL desktop architects and the Portland project Building an email client for mobile devices
16:00 Keynote: Simon Phipps: Free software at Sun Microsystems
17:00 Conference closing

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