Re: [guadec-list] Sponsor Brochure Darft


On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 10:49 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> For the sponsorship content, I agree with Quim that 3 categories should 
> do - Cornerstone (with only one of those), Platinum and Gold (for example).

With only 3 levels of sponsorship, and the ones you've suggested -

	o Cornerstone [30,000]
	o Platinum [15,000]
	o Gold [10,000]

you stand to lose out on the potential for local sponsorship, and I
really think it's the local sponsors that benefit most from GUADEC.

For example, while Sun may feel its desireable to support a community
project that they're closely working with, the conference doesn't get
large numbers and probably audience that organizes the IT budget for
their department to be worthwhile for a large level of sponsorship.
That's an example of a possible scenario you may have to deal with as
you start approaching more sponsors, and I obviously can't speak for Sun
or state whether that is their position or not.


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