Re: [guadec-list] Sponsor Brochure Darft

Quoting Ludovic Danigo <ldanigo yahoo fr>:

You can find an early draft of the Sponsor Brochure at

Need more working, Sponsoship table feature,
Organisator Recomendation
and the form are comming next.

Please give some feedback.

I've had a go with the language on the front page. I like the basic content and
order, but I've tried to fill it out with powerful adjectives (and perhaps a
few buzzwords) in an attempt to make it more exciting. I've added and removed a
few details here and there in an attempt to create a nice flow.

Tell me what you think?


What is GUADEC?

GUADEC (pronounced GWAH-DECK) is an acronym for the GNOME Users' and Developers'
Conference. Held annually in cities around Europe, GUADEC is the largest
get together of GNOME users, developers, foundation leaders, individuals,
governments and business in the world.

Presentations are given by business leaders, government spokespeople and
visionary, motivated developers on a range of topics including the future
direction of the GNOME Project, Linux on the desktop, new features, exciting
ideas and modern development techniques.

The primary goals of GUADEC are:
 - to set the direction of the project in the coming year;
 - to attract new developers and contributors to the project;
 - to be a meeting place for developers and contributors from around the world;
 - to help corporate partners stay involved in the project; and
 - to showcase the latest technologies to corporations and governments.

The 7th Edition

In its 7th consecuative year, GUADEC 2006 is being held at the CampusMed in
Vilanova i la Geltru (Spain) from Saturday the 24th of June until Friday the
30th of June 2006. Developers and interested parties will continue to meet until
Sunday the 2nd of July (?).

The week will be split into three phases: the approach weekend leading up to
GUADEC; GUADEC itself; and After Hours. During the three days of the main
GUADEC event, three tracks will be presented:
 - Project Topaz: the future of GNOME;
 - The Catwalk: showcasing the latest technology in the platform; and
 - Tangle: contributor discussions aimed at solving specific problems with
           regards to standards implementation and new technologies.

These streams will in turn be aimed three different groups of people:
 - The User: including sessions covering user experiences, profiles, trends,
             special needs, training processes, habits, issues and end-user
	     (horizontal) applications;
 - The Client: including sessions on big deployments, distribution, vendors,
               administration, independant software development, corporate
	       requirements and public administration; and
 - The Developer: including sessions on languages, the platform, libraries,
                  standards, outstanding issues and bugs and integration.

The GNOME Project

GNOME (pronounced GUH-NOME) is an international project working to create a
free and open, easy to use computer desktop environment. GNOME stands for the
GNU Network Object Model Environment and is built entirely from software
considered free by the Free Software Foundation.

A great deal of software is developed under the umbrella of the GNOME Project,
the core pieces are released twice-annually as the GNOME Desktop. The current
version of the GNOME Desktop is 2.14, with 2.16 being released in late October.

The desktop forms one part of a complete operating system, along with utilities,
libraries and a kernel. These are then available as Linux products from
companies such as Redhat and Unix products like Sun Microsystem's Solaris.

GNOME technology is also found is the least likely of places, like Nokia's
Internet Tablet (770). GNOME's software license allows both free and
propriortery software to be written using its platform at no cost; making it
free in both senses of the word.

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