Re: [guadec-list] Social events

Just a bit of cultural background, June 23rd late night is La Nit de
Sant Joan (Saint John's Night, a pre-christian celebration of the summer
solstice). Big fires and crackers all across Catalonia and beyond. It's
one of he most remarkable party nights of the year, fully comparable to
New Year's eve.

Basically, it's the night when people burn things that need to be left
behind and become part of the past. Bring your own. There is even a
virtual fire - . Real pictures at

Sure many people won't be so early in Vilanova, but we need to organise
something and we need to prepare a good party for Friday night.

There is a plan to have a football match on Saturday or Sunday
afternoon, a post-match party would be great - being Fluendo's or not.
Maybe Sunday is better, so people can recover better from Friday.

The reception & registration will be opened already on Friday/Saturday,
there is no problem to have a party open only to registered participants
during the weekend. In fact the open/closeness can be defined by who
gets drink tickets and who don't, speacially if you are thinking of some
kind of chiringuito or semi-open space in the beach.

En/na Julien Moutte ha escrit:
> Doing it earlier is even better for us. Are there any planned events for
> sunday evening or monday evening ?
> I guess monday evening is easier so that we can restrict entrance to
> registered people.

Quim Gil -

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