Re: [guadec-list] Computer room

I don't have the exact numbers here and they might change anyways since
today we have a Generalitat-Vilanova-GUADEC meeting to go through the

Now the university is offering a normal computer room with 12 or 20
computers with GNOME inside for the price of about 1.000€ per day - I
think that applying later a discount of 60% to the whole budget (meaning
that the cost would be around 400€/day. Which I find unnecessary
expensive anyway since we are not a 'client' but a very cool event other
would like to have under their roof.

I wonder if any hardware manufacturer like Sun or HP would like to lend
us some cool machines that would be good advertisement for them.

On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 18:36 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
> How much is it?

Quim Gil /// |

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