Re: How many rooms left at Youth Hostel?

On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 11:14 +0200, Hanno 'Rince' Wagner wrote:
> Hi,
> Murray Cumming schrieb am 12. Mai 2005:
> > I've wondered about that too. And I'm considering covering the extra 300
> > Euros myself (hopefully the Foundation funds would compensate me
> > eventually) to cover the extra places, hoping to fill them at the last
> > minute.
> To cover is not a problem, you "only" need someone to sign. But they
> will only accept (more or less) the agreement if there are 14 or
> more people sleeping in there.

Why do they care how many people are actually there if they get the
money for 14 people?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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