Re: [guadec-list] Re: Barcelona report


Murray Cumming wrote:
Time for a wiki page then?

I'd be happier if someone would summaries this thread, including the bit on foundation-list (why did that drop off the CC?), and perhaps we could start with a provisional plan of what GUADEC will be like.

We could then make the wiki page and have an IRC meeting (yarrr, maybe?).

Is there any reason to think we need anything other than the same number
(and types) or rooms that we had in Stuttgart

At least one reason... there were a number of things that didn't work well in Stuttgart that need to be fixed. We once again had too many parallel sessions, too much stuff on the schedule, too many unanticipated sessions that had to be added in the weeks before the conference.

Glynn proposed a good "light" conference (although there are some things I disagree with it's a good start).

 - 1 main hall for keynotes and talks
 - Perhaps 1 other hall for talks
- 1 hang-out room, with tables, chairs, power-points, eventually some computers - 1 room with beamer, flip-charts, tables, chairs, power points & network for hackfests - Several smaller rooms for "work" sessions, BOFs (basically, the kind of stuff we did Tuesday afternoon this year).

The kinds of things we need to focus on are how freeform the 3 big rooms are, how many smaller rooms we need (perhaps 5?)

Wasn't that
- 1 keynote room for at least 500 people.
- 3 smaller rooms for at least 150 people.
- 1 meeting room for 1 day before the talks, for the Board meeting.
- 1 meeting room for 1 day after the talks, for the advisory board
- 1 hacking room for the duration.
- An area for eating at lunchtime, and food to eat.
- A small office for the volunteers/organisers.
- Ideally, wireless (internet) networking throughout. At the least,
networking in the hacking room.
  (Fluendo's streaming requires a certain bandwidth.)

On Tuesday afternoon, we were occupying 10 or 11 rooms in Haus der Wirtschaft - 3 large conference rooms, 3 or 4 smaller conference rooms; 1 open-space room for a hackfest, 1 open-space room that was used for BOFs and company stands, the main hall, and the office. Oh, and Nokia's room.

To reiterate my main point - I don't think we should use the final result from last year as the reference point. I feel we should talk about what people expect from GUADEC, and work towards that.


Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

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