Re: Minimizing Talk Collisions: post your priorities!


What about setting a room about technology another room about big projects
and a room about social to prevent collisions between technology talks
for example?

The general themes of the conference are day-based rather than stream-based.

Sunday is presentation & tutorial day - the day when people get to show off the cool things they have already done.

Monday is work day. The whole afternoon is set aside for planning sessions, and the morning is chocablock with BOFs and lightning talks. this should be a really cool day.

Finally, Tuesday is the day when we show off GNOME to business and users. There is a focus on how free software is being deployed, how it's being used, and also on the interesting innovations happening in the GNOME world, and in the free software world at large.

There is also a social side to things - issues like patents and free software in education are important to the community, and deserve a place in our flagship conference.

I'm posting my priorities to show what I'm interested in
(most interested at top) (I'm setting the keynotes anyway):

I can see you're a multimedia type of guy :) So the multimedia conference is a real treat - we have made sure that no multimedia talks are clashing.

In general, at any given time, you are likely to find a talk on infrastructure, a talk on an application, a tutorial presenting a GNOME technology and a talk from the multimedia conference. Unfortunately that means that sometimes multimedia talks clash with tutorials or conferences that are interesting.

Gargantuan Tickling Killer Monkeys (what?)

GTK# and Mono tutorial.

Remotely Useful? (what?)

A GNOME remote desktop application.


David Neary
Director, GNOME Foundation
bolsh gimp org

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