Re: Good to know Gtranslator is alive again!

Leonardo Fontenelle wrote:
I have been struggling to manage my spare time over the last year
or so, as I got a bit tangled up in sysadmin work (svn migration and
other stuff), but I now have Saturdays put aside specifically for
gtranslator and I hope to get back on top of the bug reports and get
HEAD back into shape and get some better, more stable releases out.

Best laid plans etc., I haven't been able to stick to my Saturday commitment as closely as I'd liked, but I should find at least a few hours every other weekend or 2. I've started getting the bugzilla reports picture back into shape, and I'm hoping to get an interim 1.1.7 release out shortly. Otherwise, I'll keep cracking on with nailing down the bugs/regressions in HEAD needed to get a 2.0 release out.

I'm not satisfied with any off-line translation app, and I'm willing
to help Gtranslator if I can. I can't write code, but if there is any
other way to help please let me know.

Really, the thing it needs most at the moment is coding love, but thanks anyway :)

Leonardo Fontenelle

BTW: is it too soon for feature requests?

No. As always, file them in bugzilla and we will try to respond to them as soon as possible.



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