Gstreamermm using C Plugins

Dear gtkmm-Community,

I’m working on a C++ project involving GStreamer, which is why I use gstreamermm as a C++ bridge. My problem 
is that I have to interface with a gstreamer plugin which is not wrapped by gstreamermm. I was unable to 
figure out how to implement this into my pipeline.

Specifically I want to use NVidias nvinfer plugin (which is part of their deepstream-neural-network-efforts) 
in a C++ tool. What is the preferred way of adding these C-plugins to a Cpp-Gstreamermm Pipeline and setting 
their properties? Would I use the Gst::ElementFactory to create the Element?

I would really appreciate a tiny example on how I could add a C plugin to this minimal pipeline example:

Glib::RefPtr<Glib::MainLoop> mainLoop;
Glib::RefPtr<Gst::Pipeline> pipeline;

mainLoop = Glib::MainLoop::create();
pipeline = Gst::Pipeline::create("Pipeline“);

// Add a pure C plugin, set a property to a value
// and maybe connect a signal


Many thanks in advance for your efforts!

Best regards from Berlin,
Franz :)

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