Re: What shall be the version number of the next mm-common release?

On Sun, 2019-10-27 at 12:34 +0100, Kjell Ahlstedt via gtkmm-list wrote:
Calling the next release 1.0.0 is fine with me. The reason I ask is
that the previous version numbering of mm-common is strange. Several
of the previous versions look stable. Still they are all called 0.y
or 0.y.z, some with an even y, some with an odd y.

Perhaps it's not as important with mm-common as with most other
modules. mm-common does not create a library file. It's used only by
other *mm-modules (C++ bindings).

Yes, I don't think it matters that much. And it's only a weird build-
time thing. Feel free to do what feels right and feel free to make it
more sane.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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