On 2019-03-01 16:58,
Радомир Хаџић wrote:
Yes, it does matter. Like you say, you have BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK, but you should have BUTTON_PRESS_MASK. Button motion is not the same as button press. First a button is pressed, then the pointer is moved with the button pressed, then the button is released. That's three different kinds of events.Also, I did try to change set_events to add_events but again, nothing changed. 2019-03-01 14:27 GMT+01:00, Радомир Хаџић <radomirhadzic46 gmail com>:Sorry, I meant "BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK," but it doesn't really matter. 2019-03-01 14:26 GMT+01:00, Радомир Хаџић <radomirhadzic46 gmail com>:But do I not have get_window()->set_events(Gdk::EventMask::BUTTON1_PRESS_MASK); on line 21? 2019-03-01 11:03 GMT+01:00, Kjell Ahlstedt <kjellahlstedt gmail com>:get_window()->set_events(Gdk::EventMask::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); or add_events(Gdk::EventMask::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); If you want to receive button press events, then set the button press mask. If you want to receive button motion events, then set a button motion mask. It's usually better to use Gtk::Widget::add_events() instead of Gdk::Window::set_events() or Gtk::Widget::set_events(). If you don't want other handlers to receive the event, then it's correct to let draw_get_mouse() return true. On 2019-02-28 20:39, Радомир Хаџић wrote:I did what you said but it didn't work for me. I changed signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DrawingArea::draw_get_mouse)); to signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DrawingArea::draw_get_mouse), false); but nothing changed. I also tried changed return value of draw_get_mouse to false even though I don't want to propagate that signal to other handlers. I'm also sending modified code, which is also available here: https://pastebin.com/Dr3Av2vJ. |