Re: Gtk::Entry::set_icon_from_icon_name(nullptr) segmentation fault

On 25 July 2017 at 15:20, Martijn Otto via gtkmm-list <gtkmm-list gnome org> wrote:
I had not thought of trying an empty string, though it's good to know that this is the usual answer to nullptr's that have become objects.

It's the usual answer for where the C API specifies NULL and the C++ API expects a string. It's not general to all objects.

However, it does not have a constructor taking an std::nullptr_t, which would be a more obvious way to do it, one could then call:


This models the way that std::shared_ptr works, and IMHO it's more declarative. It should be a simple one-liner to fix this, I'll see about creating a patch for this later.

what does not have a constructor from std::nullptr_t is Glib::RefPtr in glibmm 3. Your patch should be directed to that, if anywhere, but then there's probably a reason that it does not exist.

In glibmm next, for gtkmm 4, Glib::RefPtr is a shared_ptr.

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