Re: gtkmm4: Box::pack_start()/pack_end()

On Fri, 2017-04-28 at 13:25 +0200, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
On 2017-04-28 09:08, Murray Cumming wrote:
On Fri, 2017-04-28 at 08:31 +0200, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
 Why does Gtk::PackOptions affect only horizontal expansion and
alignment? Look for instance at one of the 3  TreeView demo
The ScrolledWindow is expanded horizontally but not vertically.
Before the expand and fill parameters were removed from
gtk_box_pack_start() the ScrolledWindow was expanded in both

Maybe our pack_start/end() implementation should set hexpand/halign
vexpand/valign depending on the orientation, or always set both.

 I vote for always setting both, if we will keep Gtk::PackOptions.

This fixes that problem with the ScrolledWindow:

but it causes the left-hand treeview (list of examples) in the demo to
not expand vertically, and the "Add item" and "Remove item" buttons in
the "Editable Cells" example now appear to the left instead of filling
up the whole horizontal space.

With the attached patch, things seem better, but then those buttons
expand vertically too.

I guess we need to find out exactly what
halign/hexpand/valign/vexpand/whatever values are really meant to
provide the same behaviour as the previous pack_start(child, expand,

It doesn't look like our old pack_start(child, SHRINK) is the same as
the new gtk_box_pack_start(child).

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

Attachment: 0001-Box-pack_start-pack_end-options-Avoid-setting-child-.patch
Description: Text Data

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