Event signals are not handled like other signals.
See e.g. the gtkmm tutorial
and, for keyboard event signals,
Event signals are propagated among the widgets as described in the
tutorial. I'm not sure how much of this applies when the signal is
sent from the application program itself, but from your
observations it seems that the signal propagation starts from a
lowest-level widget also in that situation.
Den 2016-06-18 kl. 17:27, skrev Klaus
I have a signal handler which successfully receives
In this handler I want generate modified signals and send them to
the object, so that the *same* handler will receive this new
generated signals again.
I have the following code fragments:
win = new Gtk::Window;
m_canvas = new Goocanvas::Canvas;
sigc::connection conn_t1 = m_canvas->signal_event().connect(
sigc::ptr_fun( &AnyEvent));
sigc::connection conn_t2 = win->signal_event().connect(
sigc::ptr_fun( &WinHandler));
Now I also register an IdleHandler which emmits signals which I
generated before:
Glib::signal_idle().connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this,
What I want to achieve: The handler of the canvas should receive
an event and should generate a new one and this one should send to
the canvas object, so that it will call again the handler of the
In other words: Indirectly via the Idle Handler the signal should
be send to the sending object itself.
But if I fire to
g_signal_emit_by_name (m_canvas->gobj(), "button-press-event",
event, &return_val);
the signal is not received in the canvas handler itself, but in
some child objects there.
Q: How to emit again to the canvas? Is there something like
"get_the_parent_signal_object_handler_father_receiver" or
something strange?
I did a lot of gtk_widget_get_parent_window() but all results in
runtime errors like:
(go:15430): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:3484: signal
name 'button-press-event' is invalid for instance '0x9afbc48' of
type 'GdkX11Window'
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