Re: Customising expander icons in treeview

Den 2016-07-21 kl. 04:04, skrev Hubert Figuière:
On 20/07/16 01:03 PM, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
I don't think it's possible. I looked at the gtk+ source code. As far as
I can see, those triangles are hard-coded. They are drawn with a few
cairo functions (cairo_move_to(), cairo_line_to(), cairo_fill(), etc.)
Aren't they rendered with gtk_render_expander () ? Which mean they are
dependent on a GtkStyleContext, so changing the styles should *in
theory* make this feasible.


Yes, that's what I found, they are rendered with gtk_render_expander(). And gtk_render_expander() calls gtk_css_style_render_icon(), which calls gtk_css_image_builtin_draw(), which calls gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander(), which draws a triangle.
There are some function calls that I've ignored. I can't guarantee that this sequence of calls is inevitable. It might be better to ask on one of the gtk+ mailing lists. The expertise in this area should be found among the gtk+ developers.


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