libAtkmm basic pointers needed

I'm currently working on adding a11y features to compiz, for visually
impaired people. Compiz is cpp without gtk, so i'm inserting some atkmm.
Although object hierarchy is documented, i couldn't find usable
documentation on how to make a basic working example.

so here's a couple questions:
- does the atk-bridge need to be run aside? or does the framework launch
- is there more to registering the callback functors than instanciating
  a root object? If not, what is the root object i should inherit?
- what are the right initialization procedures? do initial events need to
  be sent? if yes, is thas included in object constructors, or in a
  method somewhere?
- is there an event management callback method included, or keybinding

I'd be really thankful for any help.
Ksamak Team

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