Re: GtkEntry

I'm using the gtkmm 3.14.0 and did not work with me.
I have three computers installed with Debian Jessie and that's the version from the repository. In neither functioned computers.
I will test this code.

2016-02-01 9:18 GMT-03:00 Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net>:
This works, when I test it with gtkmm 3.16.0:

  ent_endereco.set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); // Added
  grade.attach(ent_endereco, 0,3,1,1); // no fr_Entry, no hbox_entry

The two Gtk::Entry widgets get different widths. Isn't that what you want?


Den 2016-01-31 kl. 23:24, skrev Liomar da Hora:
I tried resized within the Grid and did not happen. I tried to resize within this frame and within the grid and not worked. Finally I put the frame inside the box and the box on the grid and it worked.
I will put the code below:

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