Getting path of destination for drag and drop in treeview


I am working on drag and drop in Gtk::TreeView. I need to identify the
'source' i.e. the original position of a row before a drag is
performed and the 'destination' i.e. the position of the dragged row
after it has been dropped at some other position in the treeview.

I have used:

treeView.get_selection()->selected_foreach_iter(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MyClass::

where the slot dragSource takes an argument as:
dragSource(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter)
 // body

The iter above gives the 'source' before the drag. Next I am little
perplexed with what signal can be connected to some slot or any way
possible so that I can get the 'destination'. Please help me solve


Kamalpreet Kaur Grewal

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