Bug in documentation: Gio::File Class Reference

I believe I may have found some errors in the reference documentation
of the Gio::File Class:

Function signatures

std::string Gio::File::get_basename() const
std::string Gio::File::get_path() const
std::string Gio::File::get_relative_path(
                const Glib::RefPtr< const File & descendant >
                                ) const
std::string Gio::File::get_uri() const

are all declared returning a const std::string. The documentation
"The returned string should be freed with Glib::free() when no longer

Function signature

Glib::ustring Gio::File::get_parse_name() const

states the same.

IMHO std::string's should never be freed as they are stack variables,
let alone freed with Glib as st::strings are part of the Standard C++
library. On top of that I would never try to free a const.

Best Regards


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