Re: gtkmm-list Digest, Vol 139, Issue 14

From: Daniel Serpell <dserpell gmail com>
Well, today I tried to compile one application in Windows 10, and it
worked, so I figured to post here what I did:

- Install msys2, from

- Followed the instructions, including the first update, closed msys2
  prompt and opened it again.

- In the msys2 prompt, install gcc, gtkmm3 and pkg-config:

  pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-i686-gtkmm3 pkg-config

- Open the MINGW32 prompt, compile.

Attached is a simple program to demonstrate the compilation, I compiled
with the following command line:

  g++ -O2 -std=c++11 -Wall -o hbar-gtkmm \
       `pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-3.0`   \                     \
       `pkg-config --libs gtkmm-3.0`


Note that -std=c++11 is needed.

Hope it helps,


Thanks Daniel. Actually, I think I forgot to mention on here, but I
wound up piecing those instructions together a couple of weeks ago and I
was able to build and run for Windows 64-bit. The problem is, while I
can build the 32-bit, but that appears to be related to some DLL errors.
When I get back to that, I'll post the exact errors I'm getting from
Dependency Walker.

Closer yet!


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