Re: Gtkmm IconTheme demo

I have replaced the IconTheme demo by an IconBrowser demo, included in demos/gtk-demo/gtkmm-demo. This new IconBrowser's window looks like gtk+/demos/icon-browser, although the code differs quite a lot from the corresponding C code. It was not trivial to translate it to reasonable C++. It's much bigger than the other demo programs. Perhaps that's why it's a stand-alone program in gtk+. Or perhaps it's because that program is useful not only as a demo, but also as (that's right) an icon browser. You can use it when you want to select icons for toolbars in an app you're writing. The gtk+ version can be started with the command gtk3-icon-browser.

I've also deleted the stand-alone gtkmm/demos/pixbuf-demo. It was almost identical to the Pixbufs demo in demos/gtk-demo/gtkmm-demo.


Den 2015-07-02 09:29, Murray Cumming skrev:
On Thu, 2015-07-02 at 09:27 +0200, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
A recent commit message in gtkmm says

        Demo: IconTheme: Don't use deprecated builtin-icon API.
        By the way, there is now a separate icon browser in gtk+'s
        demos/. Maybe we should create a version of that instead. I
        think this C++ code never corresponded to anything in the GTK+

I made the IconTheme as a replacement for the StockBrowser demo when
stock icons were deprecated. Gtk+'s demos/icon_browser looks better,
and it starts up in a reasonable amount of time (the IconTheme demo
does not). But I don't understand why it's a separate program. If I'd
make a C++ version of gtk+'s icon browser, I'd prefer to make it run
under gtkmm/demos/gtk-demo/gtkmm-demo, like most demo programs.
That would be fine with me.
Why do we have both gtkmm/demos/ and

No idea. Maybe that's how it once was (or is?) in GTK+?

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