Re: Which version of GTK+ to use while compiling gtkmm?

I've read the and apparently all of my packages are at least (or newer) than required, and also all of them are stable (even version numbers)...

Problem is with destructors, there is access violation while widgets are about to be destroyed, Atk::~implemeter() is obviously deleting something that does not exist...

On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Marcus Karlsson <mk acc umu se> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:26:30PM +0100, codekiddy wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not able to find any information (not even in official readme files
> from source package) on which versions of GTK+, glib and so on should I use
> while compiling gtkmm and other C++ binding packages...
> GTK+ sources contain a readme telling exactly which versions of dependecies
> should be used to compile GTK+, thank's to these readme files I managed to
> compile GTK+ and that works, but my compiled gtkmm libraries apparently
> have some problems on run-time.. so I seek you advice on which versions of
> C API's to use exactly?

If you're building a stable release then using the latest stable
versions of the dependencies should in general be ok. Unless they have
made an API break a newer version than what is required should work.
Gtkmm does check during configure that they are at least new enough.
It's in, look for PKG_CHECK_MODULES.


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