Which version of GTK+ to use while compiling gtkmm?


I'm not able to find any information (not even in official readme files from source package) on which versions of GTK+, glib and so on should I use while compiling gtkmm and other C++ binding packages...

GTK+ sources contain a readme telling exactly which versions of dependecies should be used to compile GTK+, thank's to these readme files I managed to compile GTK+ and that works, but my compiled gtkmm libraries apparently have some problems on run-time.. so I seek you advice on which versions of C API's to use exactly?

Here is a short summary of what I compiled:

glib 2.42.1
atk 2.14.0
cairo 1.14.0
gdk-pixbuf 2.30.8
pango 1.36.8
gtk+ 3.14.8


The GTK+ stack works just fine on run-time but that's not the case with gtkmm, to be more precise the gtkmm applications crash in atkmm.dll, I can give you more information if needed on that part.

I seek your advice on which library versions (both GTK+ and gtkmm) should I compile in order to have working gtkmm3 on Windows?
btw. I'm compiling with msvc-120.

Thank You!

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