RE: Webview

[Apologies for the list spam, but it seemed like a good idea to post this
patch publicly.]

Quoth Dannick Pomerleau:
I had a quick look at the source. Would there need to be a lot more
things wrapped to be brought up to date?

To be honest I haven't really been paying close attention to WebKit changes
since 1.4.0, so I'm not sure what other changes there have been in the
meantime.  For reference though I've attached my patch from the original
webkitmm 1.1.6 (which I believe is still the current one) to update for
WebKit 1.4.0.

It's not super complete (I didn't bother wrapping all the DOM/JS classes --
it was easier to just use the C API directly for that), I'm not 100% sure
there aren't bugs, and I'm not sure if I did some things correctly (like the
SO version).  But it seemed to work for what I was doing at the time. :)

I don't really remember too much about the process of extending the
wrapping, except that regenerating the .defs files was a bit of a pain in
the neck and everything after that was fairly easy.

If you want to make it work for WebKit2 that might be more of a challenge,
as the architecture is quite different and I think they broke a few APIs
along the way.

Attachment: webkit14.patch
Description: Binary data

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