Re: [Glib::OptionGroup] How to add_entry() for custom data

Thanks for you reply. Excuse me, I was not specific enough.
My problem is about store the parse result in MyOptionGroup object.

Yes:) MyOptionGroup::m_arg_box is a Gdk::Rectangle.

What bothers me with the example you showed me is that I need to create a new function for each options of type Gdk::Rectangle. I wish I do like add_entry(..., bool & arg), ..., add_entry (..., int & arg) functions : The value of the option is parsed and assigned to my object MyObjectGroup on the fly.

My command is:
$] prog --box-in="0 0300400" --box-out = "0 0150200"

Simply put, I'd avoid making comparisons with the names of options. So no:
if (option_name = "-o" && option_name =! "

I looked at the source code of Glib :: OptionGroup and I came to this code below:

void OptionGroup :: add_entry (const Glib::OptionEntry & entry, Gdk::Rectangle & arg)
     SlotOptionArgString slot = sigc :: mem_fun (* this, & OptionGroup::on_option_arg_rectangle);
     Glib::OptionGroup add_entry (entry, slot);

OptionGroup on_option_arg_rectangle :: bool (const Glib::ustring & option_name, const Glib::ustring & value, bool has_value)
     bool success = true;
     OptionGroup type_map_entries::const_iterator iterFind map_entries_.end = ();
     if (option_name [1] == '-')
       const Glib::ustring long_option_name = Glib::ustring (option_name.c_str () +2);
       iterFind map_entries_.find = (long_option_name);
       Glib::OptionGroup CppOptionEntry iterFind = entry-> second;
       Gdk::Rectangle * arg = static_cast <Gdk::Rectangle*> (entry.cpparg_);
       arg-> set_x (100);// <-- SegFault
     return success;

In this way, I can use this code for each option Rectangle kind.
Unfortunately I have a segfault on arg->set_x (100);
I got the wrong way.

Do you know
how I need to do to achieve this

PS : If I'm misunderstanding do not hesitate to tell me

2013/6/10 Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net>
Perhaps the glibmm example program at can help you.

MyOptionGroup::add_entry() is unnecessary. You can call Glib::OptionGroup::add_entry() directly. Or, if you prefer to keep MyOptionGroup::add_entry(), the argument Gdk::Rectangle& arg is unnecessary. You don't use it, anyway.

I don't see any problem in MyOptionGroup::on_option_arg_rectangle(). I suppose MyOptionGroup::m_arg_box is a Gdk::Rectangle. If rect is a local Gdk::Rectangle in MyOptionGroup::on_option_arg_rectangle(), you can just assign "m_arg_box = rect;" once you have decoded the string 'value' and stored the result in 'rect'.

Have I misunderstood you? Probably, because I don't see what's the problem.


2013-06-10 14:57, Maggio Mago skrev:
Hello all,

I have a command line with an option "box" than is a Rectangle:
I would like to do :
$] prog --box="0 0 600 400"
Instead of :
$] prog --box-x="0"  --box-y="0" --box-width="600" --box-height="400"

I wrote my programme in Gtkmm, so I have subclassed Glib::OptionGroup and add this function :

void MyOptionGroup::add_entry(const Glib::OptionEntry& entry, Gdk::Rectangle& arg) {
    Glib::OptionGroup::add_entry(entry, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &OptionGroup::on_option_arg_rectangle));

bool MyOptionGroup::on_option_arg_rectangle(const Glib::ustring& option_name, const Glib::ustring& value, bool has_value)
    bool succes = true;
    // parse value to Gdk::Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 400);
    // How I can set MyOptionGroup->m_arg_box ?
    return succes;

How to store the parsed value in the function on_option_rectangle()

PS : I tried to show you the code that I did but maybe I have it all wrong

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