Re: Wrapping libnotify-0.7.5 - my little contribution to libnotifymm

I have filed bug 691389:

My plan was to use that bug for asking questions that I will have when I update libnotifymm. But I failed to add Johannes Schmid and Phong Cao to the CC list. Perhaps only e-mail addresses that are registered in Bugzilla can be added? If you are not notified when I add something to the bug, it's not a good way to communicate via the bug. If you can't add yourselves to the CC list, I will send e-mails directly to you, when I have questions.

2013-01-07 20:27, Johannes Schmid skrev:
Hi Kjell!

Feel free to do the changes, even if it's a one time contribution.
Libnotify isn't used that much anymore because gnome-shell or Unity
provide other ways to provide the functionality but it is still helpful
to provide some cross desktop support.

I can do the release if necessary, it's not heavily complicated and I
have all the necessary permissions. But I assume other people from the
*mm universe would also help out.

Thanks and regards,

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