
I'm setting up an MSVC build environment (for glibmm and other associated libraries) on a new, Windows 8 machine. Previously I've set up similar build environments for Windows XP and Windows 7. When I come to build glibmm, MSVC gives me the following error in my pre-build step (my pre-build step deals with all the auto-generation etc):-

        Can't locate XML/Parser.pm in @INC
(@INC contains: F:\+GTK-SOURCES\gnu-windows\src\MB3Glibmm/tools/pm

        etc, etc

"@INC" is presumably an environment variable and the paths listed must be paths that get searched to find a file called "'XML/Parser.pm'. As you can see, they're mostly Linux style paths so they wouldn't be relevant on my Windows 8 machine.

I must admit, I have no recollection of needing to set this up for my WinXP and Win7 builds. Furthermore, when I list their environment variables, there isn't one called "INC". But it's quite possible that I did need to set something up and I've just forgotten.

So to test that theory, I went back to WinXP and temporarily renamed any file called "Parser.pm" (i.e. so that it wouldn't get found). As you can imagine, that gave me exactly the same build error - except that this time, the paths listed were Windows style paths and they included the path that contains 'XML/Parser.pm'.

I'm baffled. Can anyone think what I might need to set up in order to get the correct search paths?


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